
New itunes sucks
New itunes sucks

I’m fine with the Windows 8 interface, it’s just clear that the app was designed as a store & the streaming is implemented as if it were all 30 second samples. I probably should’ve expected to pay for mobile use, but having used it, it’s nothing that I’d pay money for. These are the songs they love, so why not blend them into a broader, cloud-enabled collection where the origins of the tracks themselves are a mere detail? Because for all the smashing proclamations about Spotify, most users already have thousands of their favorite songs sitting in a collection somewhere, cloud-enabled or otherwise. And, Apple is offering enhancements to make localized access (sort of the equivalent to Spotify’s cacheing) across devices like the iPad and iPhone.Īnd, we’re not even talking about ‘iRadio’ yet, which wasn’t part of the release (listening, Pandora?)Īll of which raises an interesting question about the future of music.

new itunes sucks new itunes sucks

And with 11, there’s progress towards world domination: as part of the release, every song, album, or movie downloaded on the iTunes Store is automatically uploaded into the iCloud. But wait: iCloud sucks, right? Yes it does, right now, but this is a company pouring billions into this infrastructure with aims to ultimately supplant and marginalize services like Spotify (which currently rocks, right now).

New itunes sucks